The home which serves as a shelter to everyone has many other functions to fulfill besides being a haven. The proper functioning of the house depends on the functioning of the house’s major systems such as electrical, air, heating, and plumbing.
Most of the house owners do not pay proper attention to the house until these major systems start functioning as each of these systems work collectively to keep the house safe and comfortable. Here in this guide, we have discussed the major systems of the house to give you a clear idea of how a home operates effectively. To learn more in detail, keep reading till the end.
1. Plumbing System
The plumbing system of the house revolves around two parts. One part of the system is associated with bringing fresh water into the house and the other one is linked with taking wastewater outside the house. The primary part, that takes water inside must be in proper condition to bring the water in a pressurized system and allow the passage of water throughout the home, even to upper floors. The hot water pipe must be separated from the cold water pipe.
As hot water passes through the heating system before reaching the entire house. The maintenance of the plumbing system involves the maintenance of the complete system including vents, cleanouts, traps, and other plumbing repair. The drainage system is built at a downward angle towards the septic tank to eliminate waste from the house.
2. Air System
House air conditioning system operates based on a refrigerant, a substance that alters from a gaseous vapor to a liquid, to gather the hot air from the entire home. Then, that hot air is transferred through the pipes of your air conditioning system and thrown outside. Another great part is the compressor that pumps the refrigerant into the system, whereas the condenser chills the hot refrigerant into a cooler substance. At the last, the expansion valve, which is a tiny part of the system, acts to transform the cooled refrigerant into a cool mist. For a better air system air conditioning repair is a must on an annual basis.
3. Heating System
Your home heating system consists of a central heating function, a furnace, or a heat pump, which are used to heat your home through air ducts. The air ducts then transfer heated air to the entire house and the home’s different rooms. A few furnaces operate at 90 percent efficiency or more to effectively heat your home.
4. Electrical System
The electrical system of the house is the most basic system which functions on the most basic principles. It takes electricity from your utility’s electrical system. After that, this electricity is sent to the whole house. A house consists of a meter which is used to monitor the electrical usage of the house, circuit breakers to cut the electrical flow to the house when there are any issues, and a wiring system which is used to transmit the electricity to the entire house. Common household electrical problems revolve around faulty light switches, dead outlets, breakers that trip, and flickering lights.